Category: Uncategorized


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Blue-Green Algae: A Deadly Danger For Dogs

Did you know there is a hidden danger that can be found in numerous lakes and ponds? Cyanobacteria, commonly referred to as blue-green algae, is a bacteria species that flourishes … Read More »

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Caring For Your Dog’s Paws

Does your dog know any cute paw tricks, like Shake or High Five? Does Fido sometimes put his furry foot on your leg when he wants attention or to politely … Read More »

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Doggy Brainpower: How Smart Is Man’s Best Friend?

Do you have a smart dog? If so, you’re not the only one. Some of our canine friends are extremely intelligent. The average pooch can pick up more than 100 … Read More »

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Kids And Pets: Tips From A Wichita, KS Veterinarian

Pets and children are an adorable—and classic—combination. It’s always heartwarming to see cute photos of our animal companions with their favorite tiny humans. As it turns out, our animal companions … Read More »

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A Look Back At Fluffy’s 2023 Highlights

Happy New Year! And as we enter into 2024, different media sources are looking back on the previous year and discussing its most important moments. Our feline overlords may be … Read More »

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Holidays With Exotic Pets

Happy holidays from everyone at Hodes Veterinary Health Center. At this time of year, we receive many adorable photos of our furry patients posing in front of festive trees. Dogs … Read More »

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